News | Doctoral defense of CeDRI researcher João Mendes on the topic “Algorithms based on deep learning in the context of agriculture 4.0”.
We are happy to share the doctoral defense of CeDRI researcher João Mendes, which took place on 26/03/2025, on the topic “Algorithms based on deep learning in the context of agriculture 4.0”.



News | Doctoral defense of CeDRI researcher Inês Sena on the topic “Intelligent system for safety and well-being at work in the retail sector”.
CeDRI would like to congratulate the researcher Inês Sena, who on 26/03/2025 defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Intelligent system for safety and well-being at work in the retail sector”.



News | The BIP in "Machine Learning for data Science" has concluded in Bremen.
Last week the BIP (blended intensive program) in "Machine Learning for data Science" has concluded in Bremen. The course focuses on the study of Artificial Intelligence methods, specifically Machine Learning, for use in Data Science. The BIP has been assigned 6 credits that correspond to 60 contact hours. This teaching is mainly online. It takes place throughout the semester and ends with a face-to-face week at one of the participating institutions, in this case at the Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences (Germany). These short, intensive programs encourage innovative methods of learning and teaching, including research-based approaches and challenge-solving. In this edition, the project proposed to the students used a database of vehicle dealerships. The objective was to predict, from more than 100 characteristics of each vehicle, the time it will remain in the dealership until it is sold. To solve the problem, students had to use artificial intelligence methods and process more than 10 million pieces of data. In addition to the University of La Laguna and the HSB Bremen, the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal) and the University of Applied Sciences of Hanze (Netherlands) are participating in this course. The total number of students was 40, seven of them from the IPB. The coordinators of the BIP at the IPB, Rui Pedro Lopes, have participated as teachers both in the online phase and in this face-to-face week.



News | Cyber-sovereignty: The urgency of national digital empowerment
CeDRI congratulates Professor Tiago Pedrosa on the publication of his opinion article in Executive Digest entitled: “Cyber-sovereignty: The urgency of national digital empowerment”. The article is available at the following address:



News | CeDRI researcher Tiago Franco completed his PhD program in Informatics
CeDRI is pleased to congratulate Tiago Sanches Franco, who on January 15th was unanimously approved in his public exams for the doctorate in Informatics with his thesis “Clinical Decision Support System to Electrostimulation Treatments for Muscle Rehabilitation in the Eldery”, at the University of Minho. The doctoral thesis was supervised by Professor Pedro Henriques from the University of Minho and Professors Paulo Alves and Maria João Pereira from CeDRI-IPB.



Best paper at the DaSET2024 conference
We are delighted to congratulate the CeDRI team, Gabriel de Arruda Leite, Beatriz Flamia Azevedo, Maria F. Pacheco, Florbela P. Fernandes and Ana I. Pereira, for winning best paper at the DaSET2024 conference with the article entitled “Liver Disease Detection with Combined Machine Learning Algorithms and Voting Classifiers”.



News | The first place award in the Application Competition for Intelligent Reality (ACIR) of the 2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Reality (ICIR 2024)
We are please to celebrate the first place award of Isaac Van-Deste Marcelino and Júlio Castro Lopes in the Application Competition for Intelligent Reality (ACIR) of the 2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Reality (ICIR 2024), in the past 5th of December. The team participated with the technological integration of smart interactive devices, immersive technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, and IoT in an Intelligent Reality (IR) application for Schizophrenia Patients Rehabilitation. Congratulations to the team and keep making us proud.



News | CeDRI researcher João Braun completed his PhD program in Electrical and Computer Engineering
We are pleased to share that on December 3, CeDRI researcher João Afonso Braun Neto completed his PhD program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto! The CeDRI team congratulates him!



News | MIT Annual Conference
This year, Adriano Silva participated as guest speaker in the MIT Annual Conference, showcasing part of the work carried out in CeDRI in his PhD.



News | Best Article in the TEEM24
Part of the CeDRI team had the honor of participating in the TEEM24 Conference in Alicante, Spain. On this occasion, researcher Laiany presented her work entitled "Learning Mobile Robotics: An Approach Based on a Classroom Competition", developed together with researchers Mariano Alvarez, João Coelho, Miguel Conde, Paulo Costa and José Gonçalves, having been recognized as the Best Article of the Track "New Trends in Teaching Mechatronics Engineering". Congratulations, researchers and teachers, for the great work.



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